Physical Shares Servicing

We are specialized in providing Solution on problems related to physical share certificate Like:

  • Dematerialization   
  • Duplicate Share certificate 
  • Transmission 
  • Unclaimed Dividend 
  • Name Deletion 
  • Change of Name
  • Recovery of Shares from IEPF

All Shares today have to be in electronic form, i.e. dematerialize. The government of India does not allow paper certificates to be held in a Demat account. It is estimated that a little over 2 % shares are still held in paper format. If you still have a physical share certificate its time to convert them into an electronic form. Why, you may ask? In a bid to bring in more transparency in shareholding of companies and to prevent frauds, Sebi has made it mandatory to transfer shares only in demat form However, this does not mean that you cannot hold shares in the physical form, but you cannot transfer them or sell them in time of need, which can affect their value and delay the process of encashment of your assets.

Dematerialization of physical shares has been an issue for both regulators and investors since the 1990s. There was a sudden rush in the inquiries from our investors and clients about Physical to Demat Conversion when RTA suggested freezing physical shares.

Demat Account simplifies your investment documentation. It requires efforts to maintain the paperwork and investment records. Also, electronic shares save 0.5% of stamp duty.

Duplicate Share Certificate
A share certificate is a document that indicates the ownership of company shares by its shareholder. It acts as prima facie evidence of the title of the individual holding the shares. When the shareholder of the share certificate loses or misplaces the original document, the company will issue a duplicate share certificate.

When a person loses his/her share certificate, it can lead to a substantial financial loss to the shareholder and the company in which he/she held shares. Thus, to avoid any unnecessary loss to the company and its shareholders, the Companies Act, 2013, provides for the issue of duplicate share certificates under Section 46 and Rule 6(2)(a) to (c) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014. 

What is the Meaning of Transmission?

It means transferring shares by Operation of Law i.e transfer of shares in the legal heir after the death of original shareholder. The Legal heir face problems with transmission of shares due to death of shareholder. Once you have registered for the share transmission with a company, you are not only the shareholder; you are also entitled to all the rights.

Possible Problems and Our Support:
Sometimes Share Transmission becomes very clumsy, It can take a toll on you especially if you are not seeking proper professional advice. We are offering assistance to our respected clients on various issues regarding Share Transmission. Have a look at some of the possible challenges you might face during transmission of shares.

Unclaimed Dividend :
Unclaimed Dividends are dividends that have been paid by the corporation to a shareholder but have not yet been claimed or accepted. It is a liability for the firm and is paid by it when requested. The majority of payouts go unclaimed for a variety of reasons, including address changes, typos, etc. Dividends that have not been claimed for more than seven years are sent to the Investor Education and Protection Fund account by the corporation. Furthermore, a shareholder has the ability to request such dividends from the IEPF at any time. We have expertise to claim such unclaimed Dividends.

Name Deletion
Investing in equity shares of several companies jointly is a good idea, but the problem occurs when one of the joint shareholders absconds for a much longer time or is deceased. In such a situation deletion of the missing or deceased shareholder’s name from the records is the only solution to keep the investments intact just to prevent it from getting worthless. we will diligently do the job of removing the name of missing or deceased shareholders from the joint shareholding record and transferring the corresponding investments to your name.

The procedure is called “Name deletion”.

Change of Name
There are multiple reasons why people change their name. Major Examples are Due to Marriage, Astrological Believes, Due to Divorce etc. For the reason whatsoever, people change their name, it is recommended to update the new name on all the important documents such as PAN, Aadhar, Voter id, Passport, Shares and Securities, Insurance etc., we will help to change the name on Physical Share Certificates.                                     

Recovery of Shares from IEPF
IEPF stands for Investor Education Protection Fund and it is formed under the umbrella of Ministry of corporate affairs by Government of India on 7th September, 2016 under the provision of Section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) under which rules and regulations related to IEPF compliances are framed both for the investor and the companies.

The IEPF authority was established by government of India to protect the interest of investors who invested in Indian Shares market and their dividends have been unpaid.

When dividends on shares are not claimed or say are not encashed for 7 years consecutively, the dividends and shares of the investor is transferred to IEPF authority.

We will help you to claim the shares from the IEPF account.